We All Have The Same Skin

Skincare is personal.
Some follow a routine, while some don’t but we all look out for our skin. Have you ever wondered why skincare is more portrayed to be feminine? Why are women expected to follow a skincare routine and not men?
Let's make skincare gender neutral. Let’s take one more step towards gender equality.
In society, men who follow skincare routines are perceived as feminine they are not classified as macho men. Why? Why do these gender based persona’s exist? Why do we have labels and tags for a character, personality or even an activity? Such as skincare is believed to be more feminine while wrestling is perceived to be more masculine. Have you ever wondered why this happens? Why can’t a woman be more independent and a man dependent?
It's important to acknowledge that men are as insecure of their body shape, size, skin, hair, etc. as women. But we tend to ignore that! A woman may believe that she feels insecure because of the judgement of other men or even women in some cases while a man who is always believed to be authoritative and dominant- the power of judgement is in his hands. But NO this isn’t the case! Men also do feel insecure about their body shape, size, skin, hair, etc. Men also want to take care of themselves. All of us have similar struggles but we don't realize that.
At Bon we believe that our skin doesn’t have a gender, our hair doesn't have a gender, skincare doesn’t have a gender.
So let's break these gender rules in society!.
We all have the same skin. So let’s respect all regardless of gender, let's love all regardless of gender!